London, Sep 2016
One of the first rooms in London, I came to Hint Hunt quite late. As the name suggests, it is more focused on searching than other rooms. This is a good room for beginners with a mixture of puzzles and some fun use of technology. The theming is reasonable rather than spectacular; it still feels like a series of puzzles put in a room with pictures. The staff were friendly and welcoming when we were let in.
Things that disappointed me in this room were the overly heavy usage of keys and locks; it is understandable as one of the first rooms that they setup this way, but they could consider replacing some of the mechanisms if they want to compete with the second and third generation rooms. One particular annoyance was the placing of a clue in an area normally considered strictly off limits in virtually any other escape room. Be warned – if you arrive slightly early, you’ll have to wait in the (reasonably nice) pub next door, as they don’t have a proper waiting area.
Overall, a solid room that’s worth doing if you’ve got the time and covered some of the higher rated rooms. 

This was the very first escape room I did, where it all began. Naturally I loved it. It was also a very close escape, with our team getting out in the last few seconds.
In retrospect, it was a fairly old-fashioned style of room, with not a lot of theming, heavy use of locks and codes, and some rather over-used puzzle types – although to be fair, they’re over-used because other rooms have copied them from Hint Hunt and other pioneers.
That said, it’s still a good, well-designed room, and still makes a good starting point for people trying out escape rooms.