MDB Escape Room: El Patrón

By | May 1, 2024

by MDB Escape Room (website)

g.k. Belite brezi, Lerin Ln 14, 1612 Sofia


Up to 5 players

Languages: EN, BG

60 minutes

DEA агент под прикритие в картела на Пабло Ескобар се нуждае от помощ.Съберете екип и се внедрете сред хората на най-големия наркобарон. Пътят ви ще бъде осеян с изненади и загадки, през които трябва да преминете бързо и умело, за да изпълните мисията. Съдбата на голяма част от наркотрафика е във вашите ръце.Побързайте…
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Rated 3.5 out of 5

based on 1 pro review

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A Bulgarian room with a Spanish name, El Patrón (think ‘The Godfather’) is based around 80s drug lord Pablo Escobar. We were DEA agents, and apparently we were trying to find a ledger full of evidence, though we may have lost track of that during the game and focused on picking up cash instead. In any case, this isn’t a score-based or particularly story-driven room; you solve puzzles until you reach the finish.
The puzzles are of course heavily themed around drugs and the Colombian narcotics tr...

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