by Hourglass Games Bromsgrove (website)
Hanbury Rd, Hanbury, Bromsgrove B60 4BU
1-4 players
Languages: EN
60 minutes

You and your motley crew of scallywags are on your latest voyage across the Caribbean Sea searching for hidden treasures to plunder. The rum is flowing, the shanty’s are being sung and stories of “The Dead Man’s Totem” are being told.
The Dead Man’s Totem is the most prized treasure among the high seas, many do not even believe in it’s existence as it is said that it could bring IMMORTALITY to whoever finds it. But it is also said that the Totem lies deep within the bowels of a mysterious treasure chest and it is guarded by ancient curses so it is impossible to find…
As you sail further, you begin to see a ghostly ship in the distance… as you get closer you realise that there is nobody aboard the vessel – you decide to investigate further… you board the ship stepping onto the creaky floorboards of the deck and make your way to the Captain’s cabin and you slowly swing the door open… There it is. A mysterious treasure chest – Could it contain The Dead Man’s Totem? It’s time to find out! But before you can put your hands on the chest a ghostly Captain’s voice cries out and the door locks behind you! The ship begins sinking into the dark depths of Davy Jones’ Locker and you and your crew are doomed to face a watery death.
With 1 hour until your vessel becomes a sunken wreck you have to solve the puzzles to open the Chest, obtain the Dead Man’s Totem inside which will lead you to opening the locked exit hatch in the hull of the ship and escaping as a crew of Immortal Pirate Legends!… what’s the matter? AFRAID TO GET WET!?
Overall rating