Trapped: What If?

By | March 20, 2019

by Trapped (website)


2-6 players

60 minutes

Cum ar fi să te trezești într-un loc necunoscut, aparent ireal dar în care totul pare atât de familiar? Ai încerca să revii la realitate? Te-ai lăsa copleșit de amintiri? Cum ar fi să îți vezi toată viața prin fața ochilor? Ai da timpul înapoi? Ai face lucrurile altfel?
Bariera dintre realitate și ireal este definită doar de conștiința ta.
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Overall rating

Rated between 3.5 and 4.5 out of 5

based on ratings from 1 user
combined with 3 pro reviews

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Player reviews

Mark Greenhalgh expert rated this:Rated between 4 and 4 out of 5

Reviews by escape room review sites

Many of the escape game owners I chatted to in Bucharest were themselves enthusiasts, who gave mostly overlapping recommendations for games to play in the city. Trapped's What If? was an exception to that, a game that was mentioned usually as a 'love it or hate it' game that different players had wildly different reactions to - which naturally raised my curiosity.

I don't think it's revealing too much to say that it's a variant of the 'white room' idea, where you start in a more or less feature...

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