Kamer 237: Kamer 237

By | January 18, 2020

by Kamer 237 (website)

Aert Willemstraat 6, 5408 AL Volkel


3-7 players

Languages: EN, NL

Winner of a 2022 TERPECA awardWinner of a 2019 TERPECA award70 mins
Het is 23 juli 1970 als de schrijver Charles Grady samen met zijn vrouw en twee dochters intrek neemt in ons hotel. Hij is van plan om voor langere tijd te blijven zodat hij in alle rust zijn nieuwste boek kan vervolmaken. Naar het schijnt is het juist die rust die ervoor gezorgd heeft dat Charles al het contact met de realiteit verloren heeft en volledig is opgegaan in zijn boek. Het is voor iedereen een mysterie wat er precies gebeurd is, maar Charles Grady en zijn gezin zijn nooit uitgecheckt uit Kamer 237.
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Overall rating

Rated between 4 and 5 out of 5

based on ratings from 5 users
combined with 7 pro reviews

Your review

Player reviews

Anonymous rated this:Rated between 40 and 40 out of 5
Played: 02 Feb 2023
jakea256 expert rated this:Rated between 50 and 50 out of 5
Played: 19 Aug 2023 Team size: 2 Time taken: 63:21 Outcome: Successful escape!

Simply a delight to play from start to finish. Really enjoyed the theming of the game, the introduction from the porter in the hotel and the clever mechanics used throughout. 

The puzzles were a great mixture and had something that would suit everyone on a team. It was also fun to find some nods to the film ‘The Shining’ in these puzzles and game resources too. 

Easily my favourite of those at Kamer 237. So much fun

Jens (Bruteforce) expert rated this:Rated between 45 and 45 out of 5
Played: 10 Aug 2023
Anonymous rated this:Rated between 50 and 50 out of 5
Simon (The Overthinkers) expert rated this:Rated between 40 and 40 out of 5
Played: 20 Oct 2022 Team size: 2 Outcome: Successful escape!

Reviews by escape room review sites

Kamer 237 is based on the horror classic The Shining, a fact that almost caused us to leave it out of our schedule - which would have been a terrible shame, because not only is it an lovely game with some truly memorable moments, it’s also really not a scary game at all, with nothing to worry nervous players beyond a lightly creepy atmosphere. In fact, while it takes much inspiration from The Shining, it seems to also draw on Cluedo for other sections, with an appropriately unthreatening environ...

A review of one of the most talked-about rooms in the Netherlands. There were a surprising number of weak puzzles but that was more than made up for by a great introduction and an amazing set.
Stanley Kubrick’s cult horror shocker „The Shining“ with Jack Nicholson was obviously the inspiration for this room. A very detailed replica of a real hotel with lots of rooms. Challenging Puzzles and very successful surprise moments. Friendly hosts and a good service. We really enjoyed our stay in Room 237.
Pour les addicts / enthousiastes d’escape games, partir quelques jours pour se faire enfermer n’est pas quelque chose d’Ă©trange. De la mĂȘme maniĂšre que certains voyagent pour visiter des musĂ©es ou pour la nourriture ou pour les paysages, nous, depuis que nous avons Ă©tĂ© piquĂ©s par la mouche des escapes, nous voyageons pour jouer des salles. On adore ça, mais parfois j’avoue que j’aurais aimĂ© avoir un...
Kamer237 ist weniger eine Story-Experience als ein klassischer RĂ€tselraum in filmreifen Sets und eignet sich daher besonders fĂŒr Spieler, die mehr Lust auf Knobeln haben, ohne gleichzeitig auf tolle Kulissen verzichten zu mĂŒssen. Das ganze Spieldesign hat einen sehr guten Flow, trotz des Horrorthemas nur eine ganz schwache Gruselkomponente und verzichtet erfreulicherweise somit auch auf billige Jumpscares, die man bei dem Thema sonst hĂ€ufig erwarten könnte.


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