Played: 20 Nov 2022 Team size: 2 Outcome: Successful escape!
interestingbroken techinjury

The room was ok and the wand mechanism was a good idea and an interesting new mechanism to interact with the room. Downside was a number of puzzles just seemed to be trial and error rather than any kind of actual solve. At least one puzzle was faulty where pressing one button didn't always register. This wasted a lot of time as we had to attempt it over and over again. A second puzzle required us to trigger something repeatedly to watch and solve. Despite doing the same thing each time it seemed to only actually trigger the puzzle at random. Again not sure if something was faulty or if we never actually quite worked out how to make it work at all and were just triggering it by accident. Different areas of the game require ducking through a small opening repeatedly. There was no protective foam of any kind and my spatial awareness isn't good which resulted in me hitting my head over and over again to the point that I nearly gave up. I did love the idea of matching up escape rooms with a bar setting and it was nice to have a drink and discuss the game afterwards.

Played: 24 Aug 2023 Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
illogicalbroken techpoor hostingquite easy

Worst escape room experience by far. Every element of this was lacking. The host was non existent, he let us in apologising in advance that the room wasn't that good and that various parts of the game and clue system were broken or not very good. Then disappeared for the rest of the game. There was an iPad system to get clues that, as promised by our host, appeared to be broken and we couldn't get it to give us a single hint. The room was a cheap, bordering on probably legally actionable knock off of Stranger things and a number of the clues required seemingly unfathomable random leaps of logic (or whatever is the opposite of logic) that made the whole room a frustrating bore.

Played: 12 Nov 2023 Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulfamily friendlymagicalquite easy

This game wasn't particularly challenging but it was cute and wholesome fun. The host was great and in character right from the start. Only thing to watch out for is that even beginning the game is in character but the instructions of what to say to kick off the game were written in French in the email even though everything else had been translated into English so we struggled right at the first hurdle until the French speaker in our group read the email and saved the day.

Played: 20 Nov 2022 Team size: 2 Outcome: Successful escape!

Some parts of this room are a little less interesting requiring just looking around for things that were hard to spot because it was quite dark, as opposed to being difficult because the puzzles themselves were difficult. However overall the room was fun to play and the ending was an extra fun little puzzle.

Played: 20 Nov 2022 Team size: 2 Outcome: Successful escape!

A few standout moments in this room that really tie into the theme. Really enjoyed all of the puzzles and the distinct nature of the different sections of the game.

Played: 22 Nov 2022 Team size: 2 Outcome: Successful escape!
originalcleverwatch your head

After smashing through the Metro we were offered a discount if we wanted to try another game and I am so glad we gave the Ghost Castle a go. The room had very cleverly been turned into a courtyard and then a building spanning multiple floors. There was lots of running back and forth and linking this across multiple rooms which was fun. It was doable for two but it kept us very busy. The puzzles were fun and fit really nicely with the theme. Only downside was a couple of the areas required ducking under plywood and the need to move back and forth through the various rooms at speed lead to a few banged heads

Played: 22 Nov 2022 Team size: 2 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulquite easy

Game was very cool visually, set in a mock of a metro station complete with a metro car. The puzzles were quite simple but it was fun to do.

Played: 22 Nov 2022 Team size: 2 Time taken: 63 Outcome: Failed :-(
broken techtiredvery difficult

We had scheduled this room last on our way back to the airport after an exhausting few days in Budapest and perhaps that wasn't the best idea, especially as there were only two of us to work through the whole room. It had warned it wasn't the standard escape room experience and it definitely relied more on mathematics than some of the snazzier high tech puzzles you can find in some of the other Budapest rooms. By the end of it we found ourselves tired and frustrated. A number of puzzles required outside knowledge such as the value of different Roman numerals or mathematical concepts that were not provided inside the room so if you didn't just know them you wouldn't have been able to solve the puzzles. The mechanism to open a box to get out a key was also broken so even though we had solved the puzzle the key wasn't released. The games master clearly had not been playing attention and didn't realise what had happened so kept referring us back to things we had already completed to try and help us solve the puzzle which made us more and more confused before eventually coming into the room and realising we had already found the solution but the mechanism was broken. The delay cost us about ten minutes and meant we didn't complete the room in time so that was also disappointing, though they did let us play on for an extra few minutes so we could finish. Considering the concept of the room was that everything is bright white, it was all a bit dirty and grubby. Overall the room seems quite tired and run down.

Team size: 2 Outcome: Successful escape!

An absolutely unique, beautiful room. Not in Budapest central but accessible enough via metro and a short walk. The game itself takes some physical extension, climbing etc. but the puzzles were clever and fun. One of the best games we played in Budapest.

Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!

Fit nicely into the pirate themed of The Brig. Was great to combine doing an escape room with a more social experience as we worked our way through the various chests included in this game while having a drink at the in house bar. The puzzles were still strong, beautifully made and fun to complete

Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!

The hosting of the game was great, strong theatrics and I can never say no to a good costume. I loved the split start of the game where everyone had their own space and own puzzles to solve but it still required strong collaboration with our team mates. 

Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!

I liked the immediate immersion in the story that was worked even in into the briefing mechanism. 

Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
quite easy

Not sure why but this game just wasn't for me. Nothing memorable stands out as particularly good or bad but I just didn't really enjoy it.

Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifuloriginalgreat hostingquite easy

The setting of this escape room was very different, being based on an old bus. It was a strong concept, wonderfully decorated and the hosting was good. However the puzzles were limited and quite simple. There were multiple moments where we all waiting  on someone to complete a single puzzle and no one could move on to anything else until it was done which somewhat impacted the flow and experience.

Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
originalclevermagicalquite difficult

We had already played Victoria's Last Challenge so the layout of the room and some of the key mechanisms were already known. Despite that the room managed to use an entirely different set of puzzles and was just as fun to play. It was lovely and festive and we loved all the small changes to make the room more Christmassy as well as the Christmas-based puzzles

Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulclevergreat hostingquite difficult

The room was nicely themed and the puzzles were good. The very last puzzle almost got the best of us and things got a bit hysterical as we desperately attempted various more and more ludicrous things before we finally solved it. The game master was fantastic and we had a great time 

Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
originalfunnyquite difficult

I loved the unusual theme of this room. It was entirely different from anything else we have played in both theme and some of the puzzles. We bought a very musical person with us which may have helped with some of the harder elements. The hosting is also always superb and we enjoyed the extra touches for our time and take away trinkets.

Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!

We played a lot of at home escape games during the pandemic and this series was by far our favourite. We loved the QR code mechanism to the game and the mix of interactive paper and online clues.

Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!

Was pitched as ClueHQ's more difficult game but it wasn't particularly interesting. Just seemed to have more padlocks to do rather than any more interesting or challenging puzzles to solve.

Team size: 4
unoriginalquite easy

Pretty much the whole of this game was just trying codes over and over in different padlocks until you matched the right ones. No particularly memorable elements to this game but it was an ok play.

Team size: 4

The best of the ClueHQ games in Swindon. A fun twist ending

Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
hi-techcleverquite difficult

One of the better ClueHQ rooms. Some good tech and puzzles. Too much smoke, not good for those with asthma

Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!

The room was okay overall but the ending didn't seem to really line up to resolve the opening premise of the story so we didn't really realise we had finished

Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!

Good theme, nice looking room and a good mix of logic and physical puzzles. This was my first escape room but still holds up as one.of the better rooms in Swindon.

Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulquite easy

Game design was lovely and some fun physical and technical elements that fit with the theme. We were invited to test the game before it was formally.opened so a few things didn't quite work as they were meant to but that was to be expected.

The room was a bit too easy and only took about 40 mins despite supposedly being a harder room but the look and feel and fit of the puzzles to the theme were good

Team size: 4
very easy😨creepy

Game was ok but simple and we got out in about half an hour. The only thing that held us up was a spelling mistake on one puzzle that had been missed during QA.

Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
hi-techcleverquite difficult

A different take on an escape room. Everyone picked a different role with guidance on what particular skills were best matched to each role. Once picked we took our relative stations on the bridge and spent a jam packed hour flying a spaceship. With a scoring system based on number of puzzles solved rather than time taken it was a very different experience and with four different roles the opportunity is there for replay value. The tech behind the puzzles was also great

Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulquite difficult

I preferred the other two rooms offered by Co-Decode but this room was still beautiful and fill of strong, interesting puzzles.

Played: 11 Nov 2023 Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!

We played a number of the top rated TERPECA rooms during a weekend in Paris, including this one which we combined with The Magician as part of the full experience which combines both rooms with a single overarching storyline. This was the scary half! Horror-themed rooms are not my favourite but I found this to be a better way to implement it than some of the other rooms which relied mainly on jump scares. Having a constant presence that you could interact with at much or as little as you wanted provided the scary element without the constant worry that something was going to jump out at you. Better for those of us who aren't that into the horror genre. The live acting was great and there were a couple of really nice effects. Some heart pounding moments but super enjoyable.

Played: 11 Nov 2023 Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulclevergreat hosting😨creepy

We played the combined version of this game which links the Magician and the Fun house into one overarching storyline. The Magician was the less scary half. I enjoyed the room and there were a couple of standout elements, particularly the ending.

Played: 10 Nov 2023 Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
immersivegreat hostingintense🧟terrifying

Full of jump scares to get the adrenaline pumping. This was the first time we had done a room that involved a live actor and it wasn't totally our cup of tea but we still enjoyed the experience and the game was good. We all ended up quite bruised and battered as a lot of the scares happened in confined spaces and we got a lot of bashed heads and elbows and knees as we were quite a jumpy lot.

Played: 11 Nov 2023 Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
immersivegreat hostingintense👻scary

A nicely put together room with good puzzles and great design. Enjoyed the ability to find extra gems and get measured on points as well as just time to complete. A nice additional interactive element though not for the faint hearted.

Played: 12 Nov 2023 Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulhi-techoriginalvery difficult

Loved this escape room right from the unique entrance to the game. It was absolutely beautiful and the puzzles were unique and fun to do. The room was jam-packed with puzzles. There was loads to do and a wonderful mechanism that allowed you to get an far as you could through a number of extra puzzles before linking back in with the main challenge to escape in time.

Played: 24 Aug 2023 Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
broken techpoor hosting

One of the worst games I have ever played. Despite having only been open three weeks, a lot of the room was damaged. Letters has been scratched off things that we thought were clues but were actually just room damage. One clue had been printed back to front. Some puzzles couldn't be used because they were broken. One puzzle we solved but the mechanism just didn't trigger. There was no way of speaking to the host. He kept just crawling into the room to tell us things were broken and to just move on. Also the room hasn't been reset correctly so he had to crawl back in and give us a key. It really broke the immersion and flow of the game.

Played: 24 Aug 2023 Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
broken tech😨creepy

We made an evening out of playing two games at Houdini's Swindon. Despite only having been open a few weeks a number of puzzles were broken or missing. Both rooms were disappointing

Played: 15 Jun 2024 Team size: 4 Time taken: 49:31 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulfunnygreat hosting

Room was pretty and good fun to play. Nice theme and host was very funny.

Played: 3 Mar 2024 Team size: 4 Time taken: 46:34
originalstory-drivenintensequite difficult

Enjoyed this room and the strong Lewis Carroll theme played through in both the decorations and the puzzles. The premise was to open and move through various doors and  the entry room had something like six doors in it. We spent the whole game like we weren't working fast enough which made it feel very intense because we hadn't realised that the majority of doors were for decoration only!

Played: 3 Mar 2024 Team size: 4 Time taken: 40:24 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifuloriginalstory-drivenquite easy

The room was beautiful and the puzzles were fun and it had a really strong theme and story. Only complaint was that it was quite linear with only really one thing to work on and solve at a time so a team of four felt a bit big.

Played: 4 Aug 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 55:30 Outcome: Successful escape!
illogicalquite difficult

Really struggled with this room. It was difficult to tell if puzzles were solved as they often unlocked items or turned on items in other areas of the game that you couldn't see, some of that was possibly due to our small team size but also the sound of things opening was often just a quiet click that was drowned out by the sound of the bowling alley. A number of the puzzles relied on just ignoring arbitrary parts of the clue which made it hard to work through and pretty sure one clue had a typo. Overall the room was frustrating and the host had to pretty much lead us through a couple of the puzzles, which he said was common. If no one can understand the logic of the puzzle then maybe the puzzle is just bad.

Played: 23 Aug 2024 Team size: 4 Time taken: 34:08 Outcome: Successful escape!
originalquite easy😨creepy

The visuals of the room were good and in keeping with the theme of the overall museum. Free entry to the museum was also included with the ticket. The puzzles were quite straight forward and the overall flow of the room was clear. Probably a better room for beginners but we still had a good time.

Played: 23 Aug 2024 Team size: 4 Time taken: 43:30 Outcome: Successful escape!
originalclevergreat hosting

We have played around 30 escape rooms around the South West now and this one was easily in the Top 5 and quite possibly the best. It had a great mix of different types of puzzles. It was quirky and unique and we had a wonderful time. We only needed one clue but the clue mechanism was wonderfully in keeping with the fun and quirky nature of the room. We all loved it.

Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulhi-techcleverquite difficult

The best escape room in Swindon hands down. Can't wait for Co-Decode to re-open with a new room. The room was beautiful, the theme was great and the puzzles were a wonderful mixture of high and low tech. There was enough to do that we split up into two smaller teams of two. We could probably play the whole room again without repeating anything