
Played: 9 Apr 2024 Team size: 4 Time taken: 49:32 Outcome: Successful escape!
value for moneyintensetoo darkπŸ‘»scary
I think this room was well done and had a nice set design. The puzzles were good, and were only made difficult by minor jump scares in the room. There seemed to be a lot of red herrings in the room however, and it took a lot of time to work out what was part of a puzzle, rather than just being decoration in the room. The puzzles are also maths-heavy, and you're very reliant on torches, which can be a bit annoying. There was also quite a jump scare at the start which I don't think is advertised clearly enough- this is not one for people who don't enjoy creepy/scary rooms, and although it's not too bad, I didn't enjoy it as much as I might have without. The GM was really nice and reassuring however, and definitely put me more at ease. 

Played: 1 Apr 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 58:30 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulimmersivebroken tech
I was sceptical about this room after hearing mixed reviews but I actually did enjoy it! The room layout/design is really nice and there are some fun puzzles that work well. It's definitely doable as a 2, and the pacing of the puzzles is good.
Unfortunately, there were a few things that weren't great. The health and safety briefing at the start didn't include all of the information needed, so the GM then kept coming into the room to point out things he forgot to tell us (including 'when the phone rings I'm trying to send you a clue'- we were not told this, and prior just thought it was background noise!). He also came in to explain that some puzzles weren't working- it didn't affect our game too much at all, but it is something to note if you really enjoy the immersion aspect. It's also important to note that the GM directly interacts with the game, and you need to shout out answers in order for them to open something- I didn't mind this, and our GM was very attentive with his responses, but I can imagine that this might not be everyone's style. 
I think this is definitely worth doing if you can get a deal on it (we used the 2 for Β£40 deal), but it's not one to travel for.
Team size: 2 Outcome: Successful escape!
originalstory-driventired setquite easy
Had a lovely time at Red House Mysteries! Good room (albeit a tired set), good storyline and loved the clueing system. Very doable for 2 players- it's not difficult and has some nice puzzles. Not one to travel for, but definitely worth it if you're already in the area. 
Team size: 2 Time taken: 50:27
value for moneyclevergreat hosting
A really great room, immersive and cleverly thought out. GM was so attentive and helpful, not overbearing with clues but we were never waiting about with nothing to do. Very accessible for two people, would definitely recommend. 
Team size: 5 Time taken: 47:27
traditionalbroken techplain
Quite a traditional escape room, nothing special and a lot of the furniture and tech was tired and in need of a revamp. Fun way to spend an hour, but nothing that special. 
Team size: 5 Time taken: 57:35 Outcome: Successful escape!
cleverpoor hostingunoriginalquite difficult
Some really clever puzzles in this room- we went in the first week it opened, but some tech was already broken :( GM couldn't hear us so kept giving us clues to puzzles we had already done, and at the start, the room just looks like an office space filled with Ikea furniture. It does get better, but it's a shame the same amount of effort wasn't put into the beginning of the room. 
Team size: 5 Time taken: 45:21 Outcome: Successful escape!
illogicalbroken techpoor hosting
Really disappointed with this room- multiple puzzles broken, GM wasn't helpful and seemed to know about the broken puzzles but didn't warn us- her response was 'yeah that's just like that'. Not worth the money, there are much better ones to play in York.