
Team size: 3 Outcome: Successful escape!
Team size: 5 Outcome: Successful escape!

Amazing, THIS is how you do an avatar game.

Team size: 4 Outcome: Successful escape!
funnygreat hosting

Hilarious, such a great avatar game

Team size: 3 Outcome: Successful escape!

The supposed-theme of this game is a great idea, and I like how they do this in game. But instead of "superheroes" it feels more like an escape room training academy. It's a decent, fun game!

Team size: 5 Outcome: Successful escape!
Outcome: Successful escape!

I've heard on forums the term "logic leap" before, but never experienced it. We experienced this multiple times in this game. There wasn't a satisfying puzzle in the game, furniture/dressings from a charity shop.
When you leave saying (and I quote from our group) "if you gave me Β£500 I could create a better, and more interesting game, with puzzles that are a joy", this really sums up this game.

Team size: 3 Outcome: Successful escape!

Many of the puzzles you have, on reflection, "how would I have known to do that?".
UV puzzles that require a coat blocking the room's light to be solvable. 
A pleasing final puzzle and finale made this game not the worst rating that could be given.

Team size: 5 Outcome: Successful escape!
quite easy😨creepy
Team size: 5 Outcome: Successful escape!
Team size: 5 Outcome: Successful escape!
Team size: 5 Outcome: Successful escape!
Team size: 5 Outcome: Successful escape!

Great theming idea, but many elements didn't gel, and the main plot seems like a bolt-on, and didn't seem to fit with the fun feeling of what the room could of been.
The game is worth playing if you're in the area if you're a 90's child, but if you're in your 20's now, I am not sure this will gel so much with you.

Team size: 3 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulcleverepicquite difficult
Team size: 2 Outcome: Successful escape!