
Team size: 3 Outcome: Successful escape!
cleverquite difficult
Played: 22 Jan 2022 Team size: 4 Time taken: 37:40 Outcome: Successful escape!
family friendlyunoriginal

If this was your first escape room it is a great introduction. For us there was nothing new or different about the game but I cannot find many things to criticise the game for. We flew through it as the puzzles were nothing out of the ordinary. A solid game though.

Played: 22 Jan 2022 Team size: 4 Time taken: 49:55 Outcome: Successful escape!
beautifulimmersivefamily friendly

A Harry Potter room without saying Harry Potter ha!

Some very original moments in this game with some clever surprised made this a fun game for our team. One of the closing puzzles we had never seen anything like and it was really well executed. 

Played: 22 Jan 2022 Team size: 4 Time taken: 54:58 Outcome: Successful escape!
hi-techoriginalstory-drivenquite difficult

A very hi-tech game that is very different to all the escape rooms we have done before. They had a great use of video segments to enhance the story.

Because it was a sci-fi game it made great use of the technology in there but not so much that it feels distracting from the main mission. There are some great shoutouts to sci-fi films and series! It was our fave game of the day

Played: 22 Jan 2022 Team size: 4 Time taken: 57:10
beautifulhi-techgreat hosting

Don't fool yourself thinking that this is a scary game, it's called Afterlife but is not scary! Their next game is going to be apparently.
From the getgo this game features many styles of puzzle which flow together wonderfully. The GM was amazing and we were worried we may not make it out. Turns out we over complicated many of the puzzles which we had a laugh with them with. 

Played: 22 Jan 2022 Team size: 4 Time taken: 47:55 Outcome: Successful escape!
immersivestory-drivengreat hostingquite easy

A murder mystery done very different kept us on our toes! It had some puzzles we had not seen before and whilst it was on the easier side it was very enjoyable.

The interactive system used in the game is like nothing I had seen!

Played: 21/09/2020 Team size: 4 Time taken: 55:49 Outcome: Successful escape!

Having been impressed with the other games cryptology had, we had read great things about this game and were excited.
This is the escape room enthusiasts's dream! Every type of puzzle we can think of was there and none of us stopped for a moment. We were just off getting Β£1 million, it's just so good!

Played: Sep 2020 Team size: 4 Time taken: 52:21 Outcome: Successful escape!
Cryptology make the briefings great! They made a joke whether they are a Bavarian beer server, or Indiana Jones, a great intro,
The game is very hands on, and Acluebis has to be the best clue system we have seen! Amazing game!
Team size: 4 Time taken: 40odd Outcome: Successful escape!

Pieminster do good pies. The escape room had a great idea, but, it's just bad. Purposeful red herrings?!

Team size: 4 Time taken: 50odd Outcome: Successful escape!

This game looks a little dated, but some unique puzzles left us leaving the game feeling good.

Team size: 4 Time taken: 45odd Outcome: Successful escape!

Hilarious! I don't think we have laughed so much in an escape room before, and not because we were being dumb! This is what escape rooms are all about, a great time. The only reason it's not the full 5*s is because it could do with a few more puzzles.

Team size: 4 Time taken: 55odd Outcome: Successful escape!
We did Dystopia followed by Utopia, such an unique idea to go from one to the next, we thoroughly recommend you doing it like this.
The set design in this game is amazing!
Team size: 4 Time taken: 48odd Outcome: Successful escape!

We did Dystopia followed by Utopia, such an unique idea to go from one to the next, we thoroughly recommend you doing it like this. We found this a bit better than Utopia, but both are excellent!

Team size: 4 Time taken: 59odd Outcome: Successful escape!

I say escaped in time, but I think they gave us a couple of minutes more. This is a serious handful for a group of 4, and you must split up in this four. There's so much to do, and the first 10 minutes may be the best opener to a game we have played!

Team size: 4 Time taken: 50 odd Outcome: Successful escape!

An excellent looking game with a fun final puzzle. Sometime you feel you are searching and putting things in places, but this make this game fun.

Team size: 4 Time taken: Didn\'t tell us Outcome: Successful escape!

Our second game here and likely our last. The staff talk about how impressive the technology is, it's not. It's VR from 10 years ago. The set is incredible. The flow and the game is not. 

Team size: 4 Time taken: 58odd Outcome: Successful escape!

Wow! Carfax looked great and a very good first game. This is pretty much flawless! I don't want to write much more! Go play it!

Team size: 4 Time taken: 48odd Outcome: Successful escape!

The detail of the whole game and the foyer, it's so impressive! There is a good mix of puzzles but it feels as the game goes on the spaces get bigger and the puzzles less. That should not be taken as a negative, this is a very good game.

Team size: 4 Time taken: 49odd Outcome: Successful escape!

This was our first game here and starts in a standard setting where we all thought it was a but plain. However this leads you into a false sense (in a good way) and the finale is still probably one we talk about the most!

Team size: 4 Time taken: 58 odd Outcome: Successful escape!

This was our second visit to Cryptology and it's great that the staff dress up, we didn't really notice for our first game. The briefing took a long while, but it's because your are doing 5 escape rooms not one. This would have been the full 5*s if we got chance to complete every puzzle, but this was mentioned in the breifing that the game has been made like this. This is one for the expert, so different and lots and lots of fun!

Team size: 4 Time taken: 45odd Outcome: Successful escape!

This is more of a scare game than an escape puzzle room. There were a couple of great puzzles, but one stuck out with poor lighting and made it much trickier, but not the fun tricky. It's a game worthy of doing thoug to see how different escape rooms can be..

Team size: 4 Time taken: 50 odd Outcome: Successful escape!

This has one of the most unique things i have ever seen and is one of the most puzzley that Escapologic have. Excellent!