Case Closed: Radio Nowhere

By | February 19, 2024

by Case Closed (website)

1 Carpet Ln, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6SS


2-8 players

Languages: EN

90 mins

Player review

Review by braiba

Rated between 50 and 50 out of 5
Played: 10 May 2024 Team size: 2 Time taken: 90 Outcome: Successful escape!
The first room at Case Closed was already my clear favourite of the 50+ escape rooms that I've done, so as soon as I found out they'd opened a second room I booked a trip to Edinburgh to play it and it certainly didn't disappoint. This room builds upon everything that made the previous room amazing and takes it even further, to great success.I really hope everyone who runs or makes an escape room gets a chance to play and be inspired by these rooms, because they have managed to look past the trappings of a traditional escape room and create an experience that truly feels like the future of the genre.A word of advice though - I highly recommend going in ready to engage with the roleplay elements. I failed to do this with the first room and although it was still amazing I felt I had slightly robbed myself of the full experience, so I went in to this second one much more head-on and had sooo much fun with it.
braiba has played 2 games - see all ratings and reviews

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